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Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Clearing away the fog on employee performance
Clearing away the fog on employee performance The world's largest professional association dedicated to the training and development field Login | International | My Profile |Contact Us | Join or Renew .ui-autocomplete { max-height: 400px; width: 295px; overflow-y: auto; /* prevent horizontal scrollbar */ overflow-x: hidden; } .astd_autocomplete a { border: none!important; font-weight: normal !important; background: #fff!important; color: #333; font-size: 11px; } ul.astd_autocomplete a, .astd_autocomplete ul.astd_autocomplete a:hover { color: #333 !important; } .astd_autocomplete li.category { font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; padding: 7px 0; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; text-align: right; margin-top: 10px; } .astd_autocomplete div.inner-border { border-bottom: solid 1px #dedede; } .astd_autocomplete div.inner-label { background: #fff; padding-right: 9px; margin-top: 10px; } .astd_autocomplete a:hover { background: #ededed!important; } Members Publications Conferences Education CPLP Certification Communities of Practice Enterprise Solutions Professional Resources Store Home > Publications > Blogs at ASTD > ASTD Blog > Clearing away the fog on employee performance Clearing away the fog on employee performance
Tuesday, June 04, 2013 - by ASTD Staff
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(From the Globe and Mail )-- While on my way to the Halifax airport one morning I was faced with the task of driving through fog. For many people, going to work each day can be a similar challenge, because their roles and responsibilities are unclear.
A gap between a manager’s role and employees’ roles and expectations can create a fog that undercuts productivity, engagement and efficiency. Employees who are not clear about their roles and what is expected of them can become frustrated and confused. To correct this, it’s necessary to define all the behaviours that are expected and their performance standards, such as reaching monthly sales quotas.
What process do you use to define behavioural expectations with your employees? Are your employees performing to the standards you are expecting?
One sign that employees may be in a fog is the level of frustration, stress and complaining they present to their leader or co-workers. This can lead to increased risk for employee-manager conflict, employee disengagement and performance issues.
To clear away this fog, frame behavioural expectations in a clear and precise manner, using a structured process. Expectations that are understood and agreed to can provide a guiding light to success for both employees and manager. Here are three easy steps a manager can take:
Define expectations: Before providing any direction, be clear about exactly what the behavioural expectations are for each employee’s role, how they will be communicated and taught, and how success will be monitored and measured. You need to ensure these expectations have been defined and are aligned with the business objectives and corporate values. Deliver expectations: Provide employees with all the information you have prepared about the expectations, and allow them to ask questions. Provide behavioural expectations in writing whenever possible, to serve as a training aid. Engage employees to be sure they fully understand the defined standard and expectations. Provide support and training where needed. Be clear about how success will be evaluated and measured (such as performance and operations management measures). Manage expectations: If an employee is not performing at the desired standard, it’s important not to assume he or she are not willing or not capable. Be sure the first two steps have been completed, factor in the learning curve, and provide coaching and feedback throughout.Read more Clearing away the fog on employee performance ASTD Staff 2013-06-04
Communities of Practice: Human Capital , Workforce Development , Career Development
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