Let’s be honest, I think it’s fair to say that one of the biggest barriers to a whole sale adoption of mobile technologies is senior management. Which got me thinking about what sort of app you could recommend to them, to get your foot in their door.
And then it dawned me; one of the things that senior managers do a LOT of (whether they actually need to or not) is travel (I think it’s a kudos thing for many of them)
So I’ve taken a little wander around some of the app stores and found some travel related apps that I imagine will make their lives a lot easier when they are on their travels and of course if their lives are made easier by having a native app at their disposal, there’s a much better chance of them seeing the benefit of mobile technologies when you attempt to ‘get your foot in the door’ ……
British Airways (iOS) – £FREE
British Airways (Android) – £FREE
IOS National Rail Planner - £4.99*
Android National Rail Planner - £3.49*
AA Breakdown and Traffic (iOS) – £FREE
AA Breakdown and Traffic (Android) – £FREE
* (I have actually downloaded and used this app myself, check out the reviews for my thoughts)
Inevitably there will be some people who do not have a mobile device and will bemoan the fact that you are offering their colleagues who do have a mobile device something that they themselves are unable to benefit from, or they will complain over the fact that the apps cost money – don’t let this put you off.
Simply tell them to carry on using whatever tool or process they have always used – simples!!!
And you know what? Even if people don’t opt for these apps, you may have just sewn the seeds for them to look for an alternative….
Good luck and let me know how you get on
The blog post that started it all
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