If you’ve not already read my previous blog posts ‘Getting Beyond Bullet Points (visuals only)’, ‘Getting Beyond Bullet Points (with audio), Bringing in the BackChannel and The Learners Voice then I’d strongly suggest having a read of them before you read any more of this post.
Well for 2 reasons really:
1. The earlier posts will provide you with the context behind this post.
2. You will notice in the the earlier posts I suggest that whilst a modern, bullet-point free, visually rich presentation is certainly very engaging and less cognitively challenging for any learners, this approach certainly falls down when you distribute the slides on their own after the event.
Essentially all the learner is left with is a collection of pretty slides, which without the context that your narrative provides may fall short of it’s intended purpose. I mentioned that an audio recording of your ‘live’ presentation can be coupled with your slides to provide that important narrative, possibly utilising Slideshare to synchronise the various elements.
The second of this series of posts coupled visuals with a ‘non-live’ audio recording. The benefit of this was that I could keep the duration fairly short, improve the quality of the recording and stick to the ‘script’ – Of course, that also meant that any questions that were asked during the live session are lost to the learner and that any interesting digressions are not included.
To illustrate this point the audio recording below was recorded live at my LSG session. The audio was taken from my lapel mic, into the audio mixing desk and then directly into my Zoom mp3 recorder.
(listening time 59 mins)
Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes
Upon reflection, I’m not sure that I would ever use this type of audio as a learning resource. I feel that the lulls throughout the recording (when the attendees were undertaking group work) would be off-putting to a listener and only serve to make the recording longer, although of course those silences could be edited out.
I also feel that the duration of a ‘live’ recording would be naturally longer than a ‘clinical’ scripted recording, again I feel that the shorter the resource, the more likelihood of a learner accessing it.
But what do you think, would you rather listen to the live, uncut, raw recording?
Would you prefer the scripted, shorter version?
Or would you actually prefer to have both resources made available so that you can make your own choice?
Don’t forget, this is Part 5 in a series of posts surrounding my LSG11UK session.
Part 1 – Getting Beyond Bullet Points with visuals only
Part 2 – Getting Beyond Bullet Points with visual and audio
Part 3 – Bringing in the backchannel
Part 4 – The Learners Voice
Part 5 – Getting Beyond Bullet Points live recorded podcast
Part 6 – Tools and resources
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